Same Sex Relationships

Domestic Partnerships and Same-Sex Relationships

If you are living with a domestic partner, whether opposite or same sex, you are no doubt aware of the legal protections and responsibilities that married couples have and you do not. On the other hand, you may believe that in the event of a separation, there will be less hassle and anguish than in the case of a divorce.Domestic Partnerships and same sex relationships

Although agreements and dissolution of agreements between domestic partners are less involved than marriage and divorce, there are still legal precedents that may affect your situation. If you are cohabiting with a life partner, we strongly encourage you to talk with a lawyer about any aspect of your life together that you are concerned about, such as the following:

  • Property ownership, including real estate and other property (household furnishings, vehicles, collectibles or bank accounts) that you both have access to
  • Shared parenting — whether you are raising a child together or have been doing so and are now separating
  • Investments made with commingled assets
  • Business ownership by either or both of you that you both are involved in
  • Powers of attorney
  • Health care proxy rights
  • Estate planning

Achieve Your Legal Objectives Regarding Your Domestic Partnership

If you are male and female, you may have good reasons for not marrying — yet you have too much invested to ignore the risks that you may face. Without careful planning, complications may arise in the event of trouble in the relationship, trouble involving real estate, a health crisis or a conflict involving child rearing.

If you are a member of a gay couple, marriage is not yet an option for you in New York — yet you, too, will protect yourself and each other best by taking the legal actions available to you in a domestic partnership.

Were you and your gay partner married in Canada or in one of the states where same-sex marriage is legal — and now you are dissolving your domestic partnership in New York? Ask how our lawyers can help clarify your next steps.

What Can a Family Law Attorney Do For You?

Contact a well-respected New York family law attorney at the law Offices of Ronald Phillips in Nyack (Rockland County). Tap into our wealth of experience and knowledge that may assist you in achieving your goals of greater security in cohabitation — or greater relief from unwanted obligations if you and your domestic partner are contemplating separation.