Bad Divorce Agreements

Watch Out · Do Not Accept a Bad Agreement in Your New York Divorce

What makes for "good" property division agreements in a New York divorce, and what are bad divorce agreements? As experienced family law attorneys, we tend to believe that "the devil is in the details." Our clients' property division agreements are typically very complete, full agreements — and are typically many pages longer than others that we have seen prepared by other law firms.Our years of experience have given us in-depth knowledge of problem areas that can arise when details are not included in a property division agreement. "Bad agreements," on the other hand, often skip or ignore key factors such as the following:



At McCormack & Phillips, we aim to fulfill our clients' needs right the first time. We do not want to generate "repeat customers" when bad divorce agreements fall through. We maintain a sense of ethical pride in our work. We want our clients' property division agreements to take into account all variables that could have a long-term impact on their financial well-being after a divorce.


Contact a well-respected New York family law attorney at the law offices of McCormack & Phillips in Rockland County. Other lawyers often refer potential clients to our Nyack law firm, confident in our ability to handle challenging issues such as avoidance or prevention of bad agreements for property division.